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  1. 04 orange cobra

    Where is the DISLIKE button.... OH wait replacing it with something SPECIAL :)

    Where is the DISLIKE button.... OH wait replacing it with something SPECIAL :)
  2. 04 orange cobra

    Winter project..E-85?help

    ^^^^^ Need a HP # ... If your going for bigger numbers you might want to go return system.. some excellent info posted... You can also do a single external pump/return..
  3. 04 orange cobra

    Winter project..E-85?help

    A tuner that knows E-85 is a GIANT PLUS.. :awesomework:
  4. 04 orange cobra

    Winter project..E-85?help

    You should pick what your HP goals are and build the fuel system to support it.. ;)
  5. 04 orange cobra

    Winter project..E-85?help

    E-85 + more boost = :evil:
  6. 04 orange cobra

    Just Joined!

  7. 04 orange cobra

    Winter project..E-85?help

    Need to know what your fuel set up is now... You could probably see 20-30 HP..
  8. 04 orange cobra

    New Member

    :welcomenym: When you get a chance post some pics.. :awesomework:
  9. 04 orange cobra

    The Driveshaft Shop (AKA East Coast Driveline)

    DAUMM... KUDO's to you for stepping up for the customer.. :awesomework: :awesomework:
  10. 04 orange cobra

    NO.. there is another one running around though..

    NO.. there is another one running around though..
  11. 04 orange cobra

    She's Baaaaaaaaack

    Spill the beans already... motor details... :evil:
  12. 04 orange cobra

    Christmas in September

    :hiding:I don't think they will work in your set up... Better send them to me and I'll test them out for you.... :D
  13. 04 orange cobra

    New Member From Rotterdam/Schenectady Area

    :welcomenym: Nice to see another local... :awesomework:
  14. 04 orange cobra

    YES... Oct 5-7 .... Heading that way thursday after work

    YES... Oct 5-7 .... Heading that way thursday after work
  15. 04 orange cobra

    I am a new member

  16. 04 orange cobra

    Saw the thread..Need to work this weekend and next weekend...If I dont go to kentucy in oct I'll...

    Saw the thread..Need to work this weekend and next weekend...If I dont go to kentucy in oct I'll try to get out that way...
  17. 04 orange cobra

    Some NICE WEATHER for RACING... ;)

    Some NICE WEATHER for RACING... ;)
  18. 04 orange cobra

    new project underway

    :bump: Need more details...
  19. 04 orange cobra

    New Fuel setup
