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  1. JenneyD


  2. JenneyD

    Packing and wine...then Mets then catching a plane. Miss me :)

    Packing and wine...then Mets then catching a plane. Miss me :)
  3. JenneyD

    Love that...great way to be!!

    Love that...great way to be!!
  4. JenneyD


    Welcome!! There's some serious bromances on this site :p
  5. JenneyD

    Always! You too sir

    Always! You too sir
  6. JenneyD

    I'll take the GT500....I have a good home :D

    I'll take the GT500....I have a good home :D
  7. JenneyD

    Thank you thank you...(takes a courtsey bow) lol

    Thank you thank you...(takes a courtsey bow) lol
  8. JenneyD

    I'm particular and some might say a little peculiar... either way I'm fine with it lol Yea...I'm...

    I'm particular and some might say a little peculiar... either way I'm fine with it lol Yea...I'm sweatin it a bit ....but I run with the big dogs..I'll hang just fine
  9. JenneyD

    and I'm so much more than just a beyotch!! lol

    and I'm so much more than just a beyotch!! lol
  10. JenneyD

    LMFAO! I'm not demanding ...I'm particular!! I think I need to get through this business trip...

    LMFAO! I'm not demanding ...I'm particular!! I think I need to get through this business trip first...meeting the President, CEO etc and spending 12 hour days with them for 4 days... I'm gonna need some form of drug lol
  11. JenneyD

    How come your name is red and mine is blue? I wanna be PINK!

    How come your name is red and mine is blue? I wanna be PINK!
  12. JenneyD

    but it's new :D lol

    but it's new :D lol
  13. JenneyD

    isn't Chantix a suppository? I'm such an pun intended :D beer? no! A nice Pinot Noir a...

    isn't Chantix a suppository? I'm such an pun intended :D beer? no! A nice Pinot Noir a couple of silver tequilla shots or a nice margarita...YES! Only........they make me want to smoke. I effed up today too :(
  14. JenneyD

    You consistently post troubling messages with a smile! You either are extraordinarily optimistic...

    You consistently post troubling messages with a smile! You either are extraordinarily optimistic or borderline insane lol
  15. JenneyD

    I always get what I want eventually lol :D

    I always get what I want eventually lol :D
  16. JenneyD

    no no you roll it and smoke it!

    no no you roll it and smoke it!
  17. JenneyD

    I like your picture.

    I like your picture.
  18. JenneyD

    Pretty freakin intense week ahead...totally stressin it!! Just hope it caps off with the...

    Pretty freakin intense week ahead...totally stressin it!! Just hope it caps off with the arrival of my new and sound..and on time.
  19. JenneyD

    I tried the patch... it doesn't stay lit for shit ;)

    I tried the patch... it doesn't stay lit for shit ;)
  20. JenneyD

    How'd you do it? I slipped up and had one............ considering I'm over a pack a day smoker I...

    How'd you do it? I slipped up and had one............ considering I'm over a pack a day smoker I guess that's not too bad :(