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  1. W

    Bear Mountain 6-16-2010 * CANCELLED *

    What's new. They cancell if there is a chance of rain.
  2. W

    cop punches woman in the face

    The cops have a hard enough time without stupid people. Just take your ticket and be done with it. Could have all been avoided. My vote is the cop did the right thing, who knows if she was going to grab his gun or if others were going to jump in and cause a riot.
  3. W

    New member from East Harlem New york

    Thanks for joining. We need pics of the attention getter:D
  4. W

    Bear Mountain 6-16-2010 * CANCELLED *

    Re: Bear Mountain 6-19-2010 If it doesn't rain, I'm good to go.
  5. W

    Even More MAW Pics!

    Thanks for making the trip. Hope you guys had a great day. Nice pics, thanks for sharing.