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  • We're gonna play some pool, skip some school
    Act real cool, stay out all night, it's gonna feel alright
    So Rosie, come out tonight, little baby, come out tonight
    Boy we had Sandy and Nemo now we have potholes that are like sinkholes in and around our great city. Watch those rims and tires folks!!!!
    Rule book? I doused that thing in gasoline and torched it years ago... LOL
    Frankie Lap
    Frankie Lap
    Congrats NOBHAVIN!!!!!! Jenney, spelled correctly, just keep dong what ur doing, enjoy life, there will be plenty of time for love when ur old!!!!
    Whye thaku vry mch Frankeeee, lol. Couldn't of said it better myself, listen up Jenney!!!!
    Just got back from seeing Pink Floyd Experience at the Paramount, not too bad good for a fix. Jeez, I leave you kids alone for a couple of hours and you go and get in trouble, wait till I tell mother....
    Wow, what a mess, heading in, remember kids, if your power goes out we can't get to the problem until the roads are plowed and it's safe.... patience, enjoy!!!!
    Ahh home sweet home, start all over again saturday, everyone get toasted watching Nemo do his thing?
    Glad you're home safe
    Southern State wasn't so bad in nassau an hour ago. I'm just inside suffolk but I hear it sucks by you. 495 and 27 closed. And thx.
    I think we've surpassed 2 feet crazy shit
    Ahhh, coming to the end of a fourday, could start a fiveday, jus' sayin'....
    Or longer like me lol. I been on vacation since the 1st. And don't go back until the 13th. Then I'm off on the 14th lol.
    ROUSH 4
    ROUSH 4
    Enjoy that break........
    Blonde hair blowin' in the summer wind
    A blue-eyed girl playing in the sand
    I'd been on her trail for a little while....
    Is it me or what? Every little change in the weather, rain, wind, snow, sleet or ice is called a storm nowadays. Now us down here in flatland country might get two inches of snow, which they call a storm, so you folks up north must get a good chuckle out of that, dunno, times they are a changin' Drive Safe!!!! Lol.
    After all the jacks are in their boxes,
    and the clowns have all gone to bed,
    you can hear happiness staggering on down the street,
    footprints dress in red.

    And the wind whispers Mary.
    Remember when you ran away
    And I got on my knees and begged
    You not to leave
    Because I'd go berserk?
    You left me anyhow and then the days got worse and worse and now you see
    I've gone completely out of my mind.. And..
    They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!
    They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa
    To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be
    happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're
    coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!!!!
    Recorded in mid 60's as a goof, by Napoleon XIV, some say a recording engineer and some say an overnite floor sweeper, it hit high on the charts then banned in alot of places because it insulted the certified nuts that still have rights. Don't quote me, just going by memory or what's left, lol.
    # 2 daughter getting the big one knee surprise proposal as the clock strikes 12 tonite.... kids.... drinks on me!!!! Happy New Year!!!!
    Happy Holidays to all!!!! Eat, Drink and be Merry!!!! Hope Everyone gets what they deserve!!!! Lol. " Here comes Santa Claus,
    Here comes Santa Claus,
    Right down Santa Claus Lane,
    Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer
    Pullin' on the reins."
    Find her finer, sneak up behind her
    Wrapped like a mummy till you finally unwind her
    Find her blinder, see who designed her
    Act like a dummy till you finally grind her....
    If you should see a girl on the street,

    Now maybe you might think she is sweet,

    But if you wanna tickle her treat,

    Now really what should you do?
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